Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

You may believe you have an open and shut case. But rarely are accident cases so simple. It can take aggressive intervention by an attorney to prove your claim and pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries and financial losses.

How do you know if you need the help of a personal injury attorney? Consider the following:

  • You’ve been significantly injured– Calculating the value of a claim can be challenging, especially when injuries may require extensive medical treatment and impact your future. A check from the insurance company may cover your short-term medical expenses. But what about rehabilitation and future medical costs? Talk to an attorney if an accident causes a disability, severe pain, or quality of life issues.
  • Who’s to blame? – Were multiple people involved in the accident? Do you believe a mechanical defect or malfunction may have caused the accident? The fault for the accident may not be as clear-cut as it seems. When more than one party may be at fault for an accident, you need a personal injury attorney to help hold them all accountable.
  • The insurance company is not your friend – Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. It is in their best interest to settle your claim quickly and cheaply. Their helpful front may disarm you, leading you to believe they have your best interests at heart. But they don’t. It can take an aggressive attorney negotiating on your behalf to get an insurance company to offer you the full and fair value of your claim. If an insurer is unwilling to negotiate in good faith, your attorney can prepare a case for court.

Maximize your compensation  Individuals with legal assistance may be able to recover money more easily than people who attempt to navigate the claim process alone. A skilled personal injury attorney knows how to build a strong case and combat common insurance company tactics to keep payouts low. They can also calculate your losses to ensure they are all covered.