When Should You Contact a Lawyer to File a Personal Injury Claim?

You should contact a lawyer immediately after you suffer injuries in an incident caused by another party. Your health is your priority, so seek medical treatment for your injuries right away. Then, hire an experienced personal injury lawyer to get started on your claim.

Retaining a lawyer right after an accident can increase your chances of building a strong case. Your attorney can immediately investigate the circumstances of the accident to secure crucial evidence before it disappears – accident scenes are cleaned up, records get deleted, and witnesses’ memories fade. Your personal injury attorney will need time to collect evidence and prepare a compelling legal case to prove the other party is liable for your injuries and owes you compensation.

Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer as early as possible will also allow you to pursue the full range of legal options for obtaining financial relief. Your attorney can identify all potential sources of compensation and ensure that all paperwork is filed correctly and on time to preserve your legal rights. For instance, Florida’s statute of limitations generally gives injury victims only two years to file a lawsuit. Contacting a personal injury lawyer immediately is crucial to meeting critical deadlines.