Trinity Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck driver is sleepy while driving.

Did you get hurt in a truck accident in Trinity, Florida? If so, you might be suffering from painful injuries and wondering how to make ends meet while you’re too hurt to work. The good news is that you don’t have to go through this alone. With the help of our knowledgeable Trinity truck accident lawyers, you can demand accountability and fair compensation for your losses by filing a truck accident injury claim.

At Zervos & Calta, PLLC, our team has decades of experience representing truck accident victims throughout Florida. We understand what you’re facing. We are here to provide you with the legal guidance and support you need as we seek the recovery you deserve.

Contact us for a free case review to learn more about how our Trinity truck accident attorneys can help.

What Are the Top Causes of Trinity Truck Accidents?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 344 people died in Florida truck accidents in a single recent year. In Trinity, Florida, these accidents can occur for various reasons, ranging from truck driver negligence to equipment failure.

Some common causes of truck accidents in Trinity include:

  • Driver fatigue – Truck drivers often work long hours and have odd schedules, making it harder to get consistent sleep. Poor sleep increases a driver’s risk of nodding off at the wheel or becoming too tired to operate the truck safely.
  • Driver negligence – Negligent driving behaviors like speeding, following too closely, or texting while driving can all contribute to truck accidents.
  • Poor truck maintenance – Defective brakes, worn tires, or faulty trailer hitches can easily contribute to truck accidents if manufacturers produce shoddy parts or if owners or operators fail to keep their equipment in good shape.
  • Poor road conditions – Hazardous conditions like large potholes, blind curves, and debris on the road make it more difficult for truck drivers to maintain control over their vehicles.
  • Cargo shifting – If drivers or cargo loading teams overload a truck or fail to balance or secure its load properly, the cargo can shift or spill out during transit and cause devastating wrecks.

What Are the Most Common Injuries from a Trinity Truck Accident?

Trinity truck accidents can lead to catastrophic, life-altering injuries. When a large truck collides with a passenger car, the occupants of the smaller vehicle often sustain devastating physical and psychological injuries, such as:

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident Case?

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to accident insurance claims, so you’re expected to file an initial injury claim with your own insurance provider after an accident, no matter who is to blame. You can file an injury claim against a liable party if your injuries meet the legal threshold of a severe injury. Because many truck accidents result in severe injuries, determining liability could be an essential step in your claim.

Our experienced truck accident lawyers can investigate your case and gather helpful evidence to determine who is liable for your injuries. Depending on the circumstances, one or more of the following parties could be responsible:

  • The truck driver
  • Another road user
  • The trucking company
  • A truck parts manufacturer
  • A truck mechanic or repair shop
  • A cargo loading team
  • A local government agency

Blue truck passing the bridge.

Are There Federal Regulations for Truck Drivers?

Yes, commercial truck drivers are subject to regulation by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). FMCSA regulations aim to protect the public and reduce the risk of truck accidents nationwide. Key FMCSA rules require truck drivers to:

  • Carry valid commercial driver’s licenses (CDLs)
  • Adhere to hours of service (HOS) regulations to avoid drowsy driving
  • Conduct regular inspections of their trucks and report any problems
  • Take mandatory substance abuse tests after certain types of accidents

What Sorts of Compensation Are Available in a Trinity Truck Accident Claim?

If you suffer severe injuries in a Trinity truck accident due to another party’s wrongful behavior, you can pursue compensation for several different types of crash-related losses, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Property damage 

What Should I Do After a Trinity Truck Accident?

You should always act quickly after a truck accident to preserve your legal rights. Here are some important steps to get you started:

  • Seek medical attention. Go to the doctor right away, even if you don’t think you were injured or don’t feel any pain at first. Adrenaline can mask symptoms in the chaos after a crash. It’s best to have a healthcare professional diagnose, treat, and document your injuries after a wreck. A timely medical exam can identify injuries that could prove to be life-threatening if left untreated.
  • Gather evidence. Photograph the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries. Get the truck driver’s contact information and talk to anyone else who witnessed the accident. Keep copies of the accident report, your medical bills, and other relevant documentation.
  • Contact a truck accident attorney. Our experienced attorneys are ready to protect your rights, negotiate aggressively for the compensation you deserve, and represent you in court if necessary.

Does Florida Have a Deadline for Filing a Truck Accident Injury Lawsuit?

Yes, the time to file a personal injury lawsuit after a Trinity truck accident is limited. Depending on the circumstances, you might have several years or just a few months to take action. The statute of limitations on Florida truck accidents is now just two years, though the old four-year timeline applies to crashes that occurred before late March 2023.

Missing a filing deadline could ruin your case. That’s why you should seek the help of our experienced lawyers as soon as possible after a truck accident. We can review the facts of your situation, identify key legal deadlines, and keep your case on track from day one.

Contact a Trinity Truck Accident Lawyer

At Zervos & Calta, PLLC, our attorneys are dedicated to helping Trinity truck accident victims recover the compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation to find out what we can do for you.