Trinity Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle rider wearing safety gears.

Were you hurt in a motorcycle accident in Trinity, FL? Was someone else at fault? If so, that person could owe you compensation for the harm they caused you – including your medical and repair bills, lost earnings from time missed at work, and the pain and suffering you endured.

But insurance companies like to fight legitimate motorcycle accident claims, which might make it hard to get the full compensation you deserve. That’s why you should work with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney with Zervos & Calta, PLLC. We have over a half-century of combined legal experience, which has helped us recover millions of dollars on behalf of motorcycle accident victims like you.

Ready to put us in your corner so we can fight for the money you deserve? Then contact us today for a free consultation with a Trinity motorcycle accident lawyer.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Trinity?

Some of the most common causes of accidents in Trinity, FL include:

  • Distracted driving – Drivers who pay more attention to their phones and other distractions than they do to the road risk overlooking nearby motorcyclists, with potentially tragic consequences.
  • Speeding – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has found that about a third of all motorcycle accidents involve speeding, which leaves motorists unable to react in time to changing road conditions.
  • Driving under the influence – Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can impair a driver’s judgment and coordination, leading to accidents.
  • Lane splitting – When motorcyclists drive between lanes of traffic, they put themselves at risk of collisions caused by unwary drivers.
  • Poor road conditions – Potholes, uneven pavement, and other road hazards can be especially dangerous for bikers, as motorcycles are inherently less stable than four-wheel vehicles.
  • Inexperienced riders – Motorcycles require a certain level of skill and experience to operate safely. Inexperienced riders may be more likely to make mistakes or be involved in accidents.

What Injuries Occur Most Often from Motorcycle Accidents?

According to the NHTSA, motorcyclists are four times more likely than vehicle occupants to be injured in a crash. Some of the most common injuries they suffer include:

  • Head and brain injuries – Motorcyclists are at a high risk of head and brain injuries in the event of an accident, especially if they are not wearing a helmet. These injuries can range from mild concussions to traumatic brain injuries that can result in long-term disability or death.
  • Road rash – Road rash occurs when a motorcyclist slides along the pavement after being thrown from their bike. It can cause painful and severe skin abrasions, lacerations, and contusions.
  • Broken bones – Motorcycle accidents often cause fractures to the arms, legs, ribs, and spine. These injuries can be severe and require extensive medical treatment and recovery time.
  • Internal injuries – Blunt force trauma can damage the organs, cause internal bleeding, and lead to other life-threatening conditions.
  • Spinal cord injuries – Among the most debilitating injuries associated with motorcycle accidents are those to the spinal cord, which leads to paralysis or other permanent disabilities.
  • Emotional trauma – The fight-or-flight reflex triggered by a sudden accident can lead to mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Motorcycle rider in pain after collision of car.

Will Not Wearing a Helmet Affect My Injury Claim?

Insurance companies like to blame victims for accidents as an excuse for paying them less than they deserve. One way they might do this is by saying that a victim who didn’t wear a helmet failed to protect themselves from foreseeable harm. The argument essentially is that by not wearing a helmet, the victim contributed to the severity of the injuries.

But helmets don’t prevent accidents. They only offer protection in the event of one. Why should you have to pay the price for an accident someone else caused? An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can push back against this kind of victim-blaming argument and effectively argue that the other driver was fully to blame.

What Damages Are Recoverable from a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

If someone else caused the motorcycle accident, they could owe you financial compensation in the form of damages for your:

  • Medical bills, including ambulance rides, hospital stays, surgeries, and long-term care
  • Lost earnings, including wages, salary, commission, and tips
  • Lost earning potential, if the injuries lead to long-term impairment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lower quality of life
  • Repair or replacement of the damaged motorcycle

What Happens If I Am Partly Responsible for the Accident?

You could still be entitled to compensation even if you were partially to blame for your injuries. Florida’s comparative negligence system allows motorcycle accident victims to recover damages regardless of their degree of fault. However, their percentage of fault will reduce the amount they recover proportionally. For example, if you suffer $100,000 in losses in a motorcycle accident you are 20 percent to blame for, you could recover $80,000 from the other at-fault parties.

Do I Have a Time Limit for Filing a Trinity Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Florida recently lowered its statute of limitations on personal injury claims. You now only have two years from the date of the motorcycle accident to bring a lawsuit against the at-fault parties.

While two years might seem like a lot of time, a strong case takes time to build. And while the statute of limitations applies to lawsuits and not insurance claims, your strength at the negotiating table depends on your ability to threaten legal action. An insurance company is unlikely to offer a fair settlement if it doesn’t have to. The sooner you talk to a lawyer, the stronger the case they can build on your behalf.

Contact a Trinity Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Ready to talk to an experienced Trinity motorcycle accident lawyer about your case? Then reach out to Zervos & Calta, PLLC today. We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions during a free, no-obligation consultation.